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What is the must have features for a website?

We understand if you're feeling overwhelmed. There's a lot to think about. While we understand that each business is unique, there are a few things you should always keep in mind while designing and constructing a website. Here are five essential qualities that any website should have.

A Detailed Description of Your Company

If visitors find your website by chance, you must establish a solid first impression and properly express why your website exists in the first place. What is your name, and why are you here? Make sure your site has a mission statement or hero message that highlights what your company does.

A Short, Easy-to-Remember URL

If you are a new company that does not yet have a website, you may be eager to get one up and running as quickly as possible. However, when it comes to settling on a URL, make sure you do your study and take a strategic approach. Consider your business objectives and make your choice distinctive. Here are some guidelines: The URL should be marketable and straightforward for visitors to put into their browser's address bar. A good rule of thumb is to web addresses wherever available. Users and search engines regard these as more reputable.

Responsive or mobile-friendly design

Many individuals use their phones and tablets to access the internet. This implies that if you're going to develop a website for your company, you need make sure it looks good on mobile displays. Making this a priority indicates that you are offering excellent customer support to both mobile and desktop users. And as an added bonus? It may provide you an edge in terms of search rankings.

Calls to Action feature

Having a website is beneficial. It is preferable to direct visitors to that website. However, converting those visitors into solid sales or leads is what truly matters in the long run. To accomplish so, you must be direct about the action you want people to take once they visit at your website. This might be completing a purchase, filling out a contact form, or simply signing up for a newsletter. Tell visitors what you want them to accomplish with well-prepared call to actions.

Getting in Touch

This may sound simple, but don't forget to include your company name, address, and phone number in the website's footer and contact's page. Users that scroll down to the footer are looking for this information about your company. Visitors realize that the best spot to discover contact information on a website is in the footer, just as they know to go to the end of a book for an index or glossary.

Therefore by hiring Web Design Company Malaysia can help you to get the best features for your company’s website and boost your ranking in search engines

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